Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Instagram marketing advantages// How to do ?

What is Instagram?
Since 2010 Instagram has been growing to a platform with more than 400 million active users every month. Advertising on Instagram is still relatively cheap and the users of Instagram are mostly millennials, 53% of the 18-29 years old use Instagram. Instagram is the art gallery of the furture. For users it’s a fun and quirky application where they can experience moments in their friends’ lives through photos and videos as they happen. For businesses it’s a serious advertising platform where you can share your business story with your audience through a serie of pictures or videos. 

Instagram users are visiting Instagram 10 times a day on average, which is alot. And they are 1.5 times more likely to follow you. So if you have high quality content that you show to people who are interested in your product or brand and you make it relevant for your target audience, the Instagram users are 1.5 times more likely to follow you compared to other social networks.
Why are they visiting Instagram?
It is enjoyable sociable media. If you want to understand what is relevant for the audience you’re going to target on Instagram it’s good to understand the behaviour of the users. So the main question here is: what is the goal of Instagram users when they open the application? 66% of the users stated they use Instagram for photos and videos to inspire their daily lives. And 48% visit Instagram to share things with their friends and family.  
These are interesting metrics, because people use Instagram to get inspired and that makes it a completely different platform than Facebook so we highly recommend to tailor your campaigns for Instagram.
Why do you want to advertise on Instagram?
Now days, it’s a big opportunity for everybody to advertise on Instagram. Because you’re one of the first to advertise on Instagram, chances are not many competitors are advertising on Instagram yet. If you are on top of your advertising game you can profit from your first mover advantage. At this moment first results are showing a higher Click through Rate which means lower costs compared to other social advertising channels.
Since 2010 Instagram is part of Facebook and with Facebook already being a giant in advertising they used the same advertising structure to build up Instagram advertising to make sure you have the best advertising experience. This means you can use all  targeting and audience options like Custom Audiences, Open-, Demographic-, Interest targeting you have been using as a Facebook advertiser. You can hit the ground running!

Instagram Ad Campaign Goals

You need to set a goal before you publish your campaign and then Facebook will optimise your campaign based on the goal your have chosen. But what does Instagram offers you in terms of advertising features?  What kind of goals can you select in Instagram? At first know about this.

How to get started

To start with Instagram advertising you will need to connect your Instagram account to your the Facebook Business Manager is being used by Facebook to manage all your Facebook pages, ad accounts & from now on your Instagram account. Connecting your Instagram account is simple and can be done in a couple of minutes.
If that’s done, connect your Facebook ad account to your Facebook Business Manager.  Your ad account is practically your wallet for paying your ads on Facebook. If you don’t have an ad account you can set one up in the Business Manager. Don’t forget to add a payment methode there.
Step 1: Connect your Instagram account to your Business Manager
  • Go to your Business Manager account and hover Business Sitting.
  • Select Instagram Accounts.
  • A new window will open up. To ‘Claim New Instagram Account’ you need the username and password of your account or your clients account to get connected
  • Assign your Instagram account to the most relevant advertising account in Business Manager. For example: if you have a personal and a business Instagram account, choose your business account instead of your personal account
  • No Facebook Business Manager? Go to to set up one
  • No Facebook Ad Account? Create one in the Business Manager

Step 2: Go to your favorite tool and create your campaign!

Before you get started

1.    Don’t create an ad that looks like an ad.
This may sound pretty stupid but should have a native and authentic feeling. If your ad doesn’t feel real to your audience, it’s time to go back to the drawing table!
2.    Use  popular #hashtags

 For get noticed between organic photos and videos it’s important to use #hashtags. You can tag a long on a popular #hashtag but you can also create your own #hashtag to inspire your audience to use the same #hashtag when they are using your product. If you create a successful #hashtag it will result in an amazing user generated collage of your product or brand
3.    Copy must be shorter than ever.
Visuals are the most important ingredient on Instagram. Use a couple of words to make your goal more clear.

Harmonious colors are easier to remember

Use Harmonious colors instead of Disharmonious colors
Study showed a group of similar colors are more harmonious and pleasant than contrasting disharmonious colors. Using harmonious colors in our visual has a positive impact on our ability to remember what we just saw.

Include people with emotions in photos

When you include people with emotions in your photo, the image will trigger a memory of that emotion in our brain.

Multiple pictures reinforces your point

Using multiple picture in your ads will have a positive effect on the memory of your audience. Below you see an example of Marks and Spencer. The story this ad is showing is obviously about fashio. More specifically that it’s about the look and feel of Boho Chic. Different woman are showing different pieces of their collection to tell you a bigger story. If you’re interested in this style, you are more likely to use the call to action button ‘shop now’ after seeing 3 pictures instead of just one. 

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